
Petr Dvořák Was Inaugurated as Rector

The new rector doc. Petr Dvořák was inaugurated at 22 of April. In Vencovsky Auditorium he received the symbolic chain of the Rector from the Chairman of the Academic Senate of the VŠE, Dr. Stříteský. Subsequently, the Rector also inaugurated his closest colleagues, five Vice-Rectors, who received their chains. The ceremonial was prepared in cooperation […]

Petr Dvořák Was Inaugurated as Rector

The Rector’s Sports Day – The Faculty of management won the Duel of Faculties

On Wednesday, 28 April, the Rector’s Sports Day organized by the Centre for Physical Education and Sport and the Event Centre of the University of Economics took place. which. Students, employees and teachers could have participated in many sports activities including: Football and basketball tournaments took place in the Jarov campus, volleyball, floorball and tennis […]

The Rector’s Sports Day – The Faculty of management won the Duel of Faculties

Rector’s Sports Day: Participate in Sports Tournaments or Faculty Battle / 27. 4. /

Rector’s Sports Day is an opportunity to take a break from study duties, do something for your body and have fun with classmates and friends. Instead of classes, which are canceled on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, the Prague University of Economics and Business has prepared a sports program for students and teachers. Tournaments and sports […]

Rector’s Sports Day: Participate in Sports Tournaments or Faculty Battle / 27. 4. /

PwC Lunch Break with burgers

On Wednesday 6.4.2022, PwC organized Lunch Break in Rajska building, where students could get more information about their internships. Great Burgers were served by Kaiser Franz during this event.      PricewaterhouseCoopers is a multinational services network of firms. PwC ranks as the second-largest professional services network in the world 

PwC Lunch Break with burgers

VŠE Alumni Golf Tour

Did you graduate from the University of Economics and play golf? Would you like to play a 9-hole tournament with other alumni and be part of the first-ever VŠE Alumni Golf Tour? If you answered yes to the previous questions, feel free to apply! When? May 28, 2022, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Where? Golf […]

VŠE Alumni Golf Tour

Open day 2022 for master’s programs

Are you a VŠE student, who’s planning to continue studying here for master’s degree? Did you complete your bachelor studies at a different school and want to continue your studies at the Prague University of Economics and Business? Then the Open day for master’s degree programs is just for you! Open Day dedicated just for […]

Open day 2022 for master’s programs

Support for Ukraine

A humanitarian collection to help Ukrainian people, who were affected by the war, is taking place at VŠE in Rajská Budova in between the cafeterias every day from 7:15 am to 6 pm. This collection started on March 1 and will end on March 11. As a part of the collection, VŠE arranged for a […]

Support for Ukraine

Alma Matters!

The Czech Republic Alumni programme invites all international alumni of VŠE and other Czech universities to join the first Alma mater & alumni virtual networking event. Join us, we will be there! Visit your Czech alma mater and touch base with your former classmates and friends. We know keeping in touch keeps us all stronger, […]

Alma Matters!

March 16, 2022 Alumni Wednesday: Refundable bottles aka we’re pushing circularity to rev up

We invite you to join us for a hybrid lecture (present/online participation) on the 16 of March at 6 pm within the project of Alumni Wednesdays. The topic of the lecture is “Refundable bottles aka we’re pushing circularity to rev up” and will be presented by Ing. Ladislav Jelen**, alumni of the Faculty of Management […]

March 16, 2022 Alumni Wednesday: Refundable bottles aka we’re pushing circularity to rev up

Open day 2021

The Prague University of Economics and Business Open Day will take place on Tuesday, 21. December from 2 pm. Due to the current situation, it will be a virtual Open Day. Despite the complications caused by the current pandemic situation, you will not miss out on any important information or tips. Open Day offers many […]

Open day 2021

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