About Bitcoin, but differently

On Thursday, September 21, 2023, a lecture on the topic of “Bitcoin, but differently” took place at the Prague University of Economics and Business. This event, organized by Golden Gate, was primarily intended for those who have a close interest in the role of Bitcoin in today’s economic world. The speakers were Pavel Ryba, the chief analyst and co-founder of Golden Gate, and Rosťa Plachý, co-founder of the GG Bitcoin account.

This lecture provided participants with a lot of new insights in this area, including the reasons that led humanity to Bitcoin, how humanity perceives Bitcoin, and why it is so challenging to understand.

In a general sense, it introduced participants to its fundamental principles and values and warned them about what to watch out for if they decide to invest in it. Additionally, the lecture also focused on specific examples of real-world use today.

The entire event, which took place in the Vencovsky Auditorium at Žižkov, was attended by more than 200 participants.