From life at VŠE, or in other words, the new academic year is here!

With the new academic year 2024/2025 and the start of the winter semester, the popular series “From Life at VŠE” is back. More than a month of the winter semester has already passed, and we’d like to remind you of what has happened at the Prague University of Economics and Business. 

The winter semester started with a lecture organized by the Investor’s Club, which took place in the first week and focused on the topic of stocks. The main guest was Veronika Němečková, the chairwoman of NPIS – ECONET’s Investment Division. In the second week, the club held another lecture titled “Introduction to Bonds” with Ing. Martin Kujal. Additionally, the Investor’s Club organized two more lectures on investing and content creation for social media (“Investing 101 and Working in Private Equity,” “Content Creation Will Be More Important Than You Think. How Not to Fall Behind?”) and a workshop titled “Real Estate Workshop with RSJ.” A new feature this semester is the club’s foreign-language section, which focuses on similar topics. The first such lecture was titled “Exploring Sustainable Finance and ESG Investments.” More information about organized or planned events can be found on Facebook (Klub investorů), Instagram (investorsclub.prague) and on their website.

The 4FIS student club organized its traditional “Group Kickoff” for first-year students of the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics at VŠE. In the second week of the semester, the 4FIS club hosted a lecture by Shifto titled “How to Rest Properly,” where students learned how to effectively regenerate their bodies and minds. Additionally, students could participate in two PubQuizzes to test their knowledge on various topics. If you’re interested in more information about 4FIS events, follow them on Instagram (4fisclub).

The Tax Club also hosted a lecture titled “Taxes & Foreign Internships or Erasmus,” specifically for students planning to study abroad or work outside the Czech Republic next summer. The Tax Club also held a workshop in collaboration with EY called “Taxation of Investments and Modern Platforms.” For more information, visit Instagram (klubdanaru) and Facebook (Klub daňařů).

Another student club, the Accounting Friends Club, held its introductory lecture in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. The event was titled “Audit at the Ministry of Finance: Who Oversees the Money from Brussels?” The main speakers were Ing. Kateřina Ježková and Ing. Veronika Bosáková, experienced auditors from the ministry. More information can be found on Facebook (Klub přátel účetnictví) and Instagramu (klubpratelucetnictvi).

The student club FinBank organized two interesting lectures. The first one focused on trading, with the main guest being Ing. Patrik Paris, an investment and trading specialist and external lecturer at VŠE. The second lecture was about real estate investments, with Ing. Roman Kolev, a board member of the investment company ATRIS, as the guest. More information about planned events can be found on their Instagram (finbank_vse).

The Young Managers Club also hosted an interesting lecture titled “My Story and 10 Career Tips,” presented by Dalibor Cicman, CEO and founder of GymBeam, a leader in workout clothing and supplements. Information about Young Managers Club events can be found on Facebook (Klub mladých manažerů)and Instagram (kmm_vse).

The Student Club of Commerce and Competitiveness (SKOK) organized a workshop on the topic of “Work-Life Balance,” where students learned the most effective ways to balance work, study, and personal life. More information about SKOK events can be found on their Facebook (SKOK) and Instagram (skokvse).

Another event already held this semester at VŠE was a lecture by the Tourism Students’ Club. The event, titled “My First Year at Prague Airport,” featured VŠE graduate Marek Kroutil, who shared his experiences from his internship at Prague Airport. Information about other events can be found on Facebook (CUFR – Klub studentů cestovního ruchu).

With the upcoming U.S. elections, the Young Political Scientists Club held an event titled “Battle for the White House – Debate on the U.S. Elections.” The guests for this debate were political scientists MUDr. Roman Joch and Tomáš Klvaňa, Ph.D. For more information about upcoming events by the Young Political Scientists Club visit their Facebook page (Klub mladých politologů) and Instagram (kmp.vse).

Additionally, the VŠE Travelers’ Club organized a lecture on traveling in Asia, specifically Thailand, titled “Travel, Exoticism, and New Friendships,” where our students shared their personal stories. More information about events organized by the Travelers Club can be found on their Facebook page.

The student club We Study at FPH held a dance workshop for VŠE students. Participants learned basic steps and a few combinations of bachata, a dance from the Dominican Republic, and experienced the magic of this style. More information about events organized by We Study at FPH can be found on their Instagram account (studujemefph) and Facebook page (Studujeme FPH).

Lastly, it’s important to mention that VŠE once again held a Clothing and Book Swap, organized in collaboration with clubs and organizations like We Study at FBA, CEMS Club Prague, the Young Managers Club, OIKOS, and Dressibly. 

Follow our Instagram (ec_vse) and stay informed about the current events at the Prague University of Economics and Business.