

Do you have talent and want to show it? Now you have a unique opportunity to shine and demonstrate what you’ve got! Sign up for VŠE TALENT and show us what makes you unique. The casting will take place on November 7th at the Vencovsky auditorium, and you have a chance, until November 3rd, to submit […]



The atrium of the Rajská building at the Prague University of Economics and Business came alive tonight thanks to the Researchers’ Night, event held on this university campus. This event is organized annually at many locations throughout the Czech Republic and involves many universities and research institutions, including VŠE. This year’s edition was titled Mystery […]



One of the many events that take place at the Prague University of Economics and Business is the KPMG DATA FESTIVAL. The theme for this year’s edition is “The Secrets of the Data Underworld.” The main principle of the event was to show people that working with data is not as complicated as it may […]


We invite you to the traditional Job Fair ŠANCE – October 24-26, 2023 in the Rajska Building!

We invite you to the Job Fair ŠANCE, which will be held on October 24-26, 2023 at the University of Economics and Business! The job fair will traditionally take place in the atrium of the Rajská building, every day from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Each day, different companies and institutions will be present. The diverse range of up to […]

We invite you to the traditional Job Fair ŠANCE – October 24-26, 2023 in the Rajska Building!

VŠE Tour for the Secondary Industrial School in Klatovy

During the second week of the semester, we organized a tour of our university for our younger colleagues from the Secondary Industrial School in Klatovy. As part of this tour, the students visited nearly all the spaces located at the Prague University of Economics and Business. The third floor, where laboratories dedicated to experimental economics […]

VŠE Tour for the Secondary Industrial School in Klatovy

About Bitcoin, but differently

On Thursday, September 21, 2023, a lecture on the topic of “Bitcoin, but differently” took place at the Prague University of Economics and Business. This event, organized by Golden Gate, was primarily intended for those who have a close interest in the role of Bitcoin in today’s economic world. The speakers were Pavel Ryba, the […]

About Bitcoin, but differently

A special visit from Prague 3 to VŠE

The first day of the new semester was exceptional not only for the students of the Prague University of Economics and Business but also for its graduates and friends of various age groups from Prague 3, who visited VŠE for a tour of its premises, made possible thanks to the cooperation with the Information Center […]

A special visit from Prague 3 to VŠE

The Beginning of the Academic Year Marked by Welcome Events

The start of September kicked off the academic period for many new students at the Prague University of Economics and Business, who had a unique opportunity to participate in our official welcome events for study programs at the university. Students of each study program of all faculties had a unique program prepared, which included not […]

The Beginning of the Academic Year Marked by Welcome Events