EC VŠE at Oktagon 58

On Saturday, 8th June 2024, the biggest MMA tournament in the history of the Czech Republic – OKTAGON 58 – took place in Prague’s Fortuna Arena (Eden). At such a spectacular event, of course, representatives of our Event Center VŠE, who came to inspire the organization of this great event, could not miss.

Already during the afternoon a small accompanying program with stalls was prepared for the visitors in front of the stadium. However, the tournament itself started at 18:00 with a welcome ceremony with the participation of the Czech Army and dancers.

After the opening ceremony and the Czech national anthem, Ondřej Novotný welcomed everyone and the wrestling began. In the opening matches we could see mainly foreign wrestlers and our home wrestlers at the end of the evening. The break between the matches was filled by the performance of the Czech rap group PSH in the middle of the evening. The highlight of the evening was of course the match between Karlos Vémola and Attila Végh, for which the fans had been waiting for several years.

The match certainly did not disappoint and the emotions of the spectators ran through the entire stadium.