From life at VŠE, or in other words, the holidays are approaching!

The summer semester of 2023/2024 is coming to an end, and the long-awaited exam period is here. Let’s recap together the various events organized by student clubs and organizations that took place during the last weeks of classes at the Prague University of Economics and Business.

Throughout the semester, the Travelers Club of VŠE organized many interesting events. Among them was a lecture called: “Journey from Czechia to Assisi and Rome” with Miloslav Šašek. The lecture covered pilgrimage travel, discovering natural beauty, and finding one’s spiritual self. Additionally, they hosted a Traveler’s Quiz, a Photo Contest on the theme: “Wind in the Hair,” and a lecture titled: “13,000 km of Holidays.” More information about events organized by the Travelers Club can be found on their Facebook page.

Interesting events were also organized by the student club 4FIS. One of them was a Pub Quiz held at the Academic Club of VŠE. In addition to the quiz, there was the popular “Board Game Night,” a volleyball tournament, an AI workshop in collaboration with BigHub, a lecture on “How YouTubing Works?” and more. If you’re interested in more information about 4FIS events, follow them on Instagram (4fisclub).

Another student club whose events students of the VŠE could attend was the debating society Econse. One of their events focused on the upcoming elections to the European Parliament. In addition, Econse members organized a discussion with Jakub Čihák on the topic of non-economic phenomena in economics and everyday life. More information can be found on Facebook (Econse) and Instagram (econse.spolek).

The Investors Club also did not fall behind, organizing many interesting lectures and Pub Quizzes. One of the mentioned lectures was on the topic: “How to Negotiate a Better Salary or a Billion-Dollar Deal,” featuring Radim Pařík from the Negotiators Association. Another was titled: “Why We Invested in…” with Jan Barta from Pale Fire Capital as the main guest. More information about organized or planned events can be found on Facebook (Klub investorů) and on their website.

Last but not least, the Tourism Students Club organized many events as well. One of these was a lecture on current trends in tourism, focusing mainly on the future of the hotel industry. Students also had the opportunity to participate in an excursion to the Czech Republic’s Air Traffic Management. Information about other events can be found on Facebook (CUFR – Klub studentů cestovního ruchu).

Other events held at the Prague University of Economics and Business this semester include those organized by the Club of Accounting Friends. For example, the club organized a panel discussion on the financing options for the private sector. Practitioners discussed the role of the National Development Bank and its participation in financing private companies. More information can be found on Facebook (Klub přátel účetnictví) and Instagramu (klubpratelucetnictvi).

Also worth mentioning is the 15th Business Cocktail organized by the Business and Competitiveness Student Club. It was a very interesting evening full of networking and meetings with significant guests from the business environment. More information about SKOK events can be found on their Facebook (SKOK) and Instagram (skokvse).

We hope you enjoyed the events organized by student clubs at the Prague University of Economics and Business this summer semester. For more information about past or upcoming events, follow the official social media accounts and websites of the clubs.

You can look forward to the next edition of “From the Life at VŠE” next semester. Follow our Instagram (ec_vse) and stay informed about the current events at the Prague University of Economics and Business.